
compound fracture 예문

"compound fracture" 뜻  


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  1. Broken clavicle, shattered pelvis, compound fractures of the femur...
    쇄골이 부러지고 골반이 조각나고, 대퇴골 복합골절에...
  2. Remodeling suggests a compound fracture due to shrapnel, perhaps caused by an IED.
    오, 흥미로운걸 리모델링은 파편에 의한 복합골절을 시사하지
  3. Now that, along with Max's report that said Maggie Reed suffered compound fractures.
    이제, 매기가 복합골절이 있었다는 맥스의 검시기록까지 보라고
  4. "His left leg had a compound fracture."
    왼쪽 다리가 복합골절이었죠
  5. However, based on the compound fractures to the torso, and the blow to the anterior of the skull, I can safely say that our victim died an extremely violent death.
    하지만 몸통과 두개골 앞쪽 아래의 복합 골절을 토대로 우리 피해자가

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